1st. Lt. Jerome Volk, seen at his F-80 Shooting Star fighter jet
1st. Lt. Jerome Volk, seen at his F-80 Shooting Star fighter jet in October 1951 while deployed in support of the Korean War. Volk, the first Wisconsin Air National Guard pilot to die in the line of duty during the Korean conflict, was shot down during a combat sortie against communist forces Nov. 7, 1951, and his remains have never been recovered. In 1957 the Wisconsin legislature renamed the portion of Camp Williams used by the Wisconsin Air National Guard as Volk Field. Don Volk, 1st Lt. Volk's younger brother and next of kin, and dozens of other relatives attended the ceremony, which included full military honors such as a color guard, rifle squad, and a "missing-man formation" F-16 fly-over. Wisconsin National Guard file photo