Federal Mission

Ensuring the security of America's skies is a mission the Air National Guard shares equally with the active Air Force. As part of the total force, the Wisconsin Air National Guard provides operationally ready combat units and personnel to fulfill war and contingency commitments when called to federal active duty by the President or Congress.

State Mission

Wisconsin Air National Guard units, under the order of Gov. Tony Evers, provide protection of life and property, and preserve peace, order and public safety. State missions include disaster relief in times of earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and forest fires, search and rescue, protection of vital public services, and defense support to civil authorities.


24/7 Sexual Assault Report Hotline:

Our mission is to create a culture where survivors, who experience sexual violence, feel empowered and safe to seek out services. Through education and outreach our program seeks to change the conversation around sex, consent, and sexual assault. To the survivors in the Wisconsin National Guard, we believe you and are here to listen to and elevate your voices.


At Volk Field, protecting the environment is one of our highest priorities and will be a major factor in decision making. Volk Field is dedicated to continual improvement of our processes to prevent and reduce waste generation. Volk Field will maintain compliance with federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations, Executive Orders and U.S. Air Force Instructions; and support AFPD 90-8, the ESOH Policy for the Air Force. Click on the button below to learn more!